- CPSC Workshop on Potential Ways to Reduce Third Party Testing Costs through Determinations Consistent with Assuring Compliance; Reopening of the Comment Period
- Baltimore CBP Intercepts First in Nation Moth
- Service Takes Next Steps in Commercial Elephant Ivory Trade Ban, Eases Restrictions on Musical Instruments and Other Uses
- USITC Institutes Section 337 Investigation of Certain Set-Top Boxes, Gateways, Bridges, and Adapters and Components Thereof
- PRESS RELEASE: International Trade Administrations
- U.S. Department of Justice: Electrolux Agrees to Pay $750,000 Civil Penalty for Delay in Reporting
- West Coast Harbor Labor Negotiations
- US, Uruguay sign Customs Mutual Assistance Agreements
- Product Safety Agency Seeks To Advance Mission Through Center
- United States Challenges Indonesia’s Ongoing Import Restrictions on Horticultural Products, Animals, and Animal Products
- Joint Statement from the Seventh Meeting of the U.S. – Pakistan TIFA Council
- Commerce Initiates Antidumping Duty and Countervailing Duty Investigations of Imports of 53-Foot Domestic Dry Containers from the People’s Republic of China
- One Ton Marijuana Load Stopped By CBP
- Fraud Warning: Fake Kimberley Process Certificates for Sierra Leone, Ghana, and Guinea
- FTC Approves Amendments to Fur Products Labeling Act Regulations
- Port Surveillance News: CPSC Stops More Than 12.5 Million Units of Violative Products from Reaching Homes in Fiscal Year 2013
- USITC Releases Fifth Annual Report on U.S. Textile and Apparel Imports from China
- PRESS RELEASE: International Trade Administration
- CBP Intercepts Over $1 Million in Counterfeit Guitars
- Customs and Border Protection Announces Online Tool for Renewal of Trademarks and Copyright Recordation
- FEMA: Less than a Month Until 2014 Atlantic Hurricane Season Begins
- Office of Textile and Apparel (OTEXA): ANNOUNCEMENT
- Informed Compliance Publication (ICP), Classification of Tires
- U.S. Removes the Philippines from the Special 301 Watch List
- USTR Removes Italy from the Special 301 Watch List
- PRESS RELEASE: International Trade Administration
- CBP Among those Cited for Successes in Fighting Counterfeits
- What is TSA Pre✓™?
- Here’s What People Are Saying About TSA Pre✓™
- OTEXA: The Federal Trade Commission’s final amendments to its Textile Labeling Rules were published in the Federal Register on April 4, 2014
- Savannah CBP Nets $1M+ in Counterfeit Soccer Club Apparel
- PRESS RELEASE: International Trade Administration
- Update on Heartbleed
- USITC Makes Determination in Five-Year (Sunset) Review Concerning Circular Welded Carbon-Quality Seel Line Pipe from China
- CPSC: Recall Roundup
- FDA Requires Label Changes to Warn of Rare but Serious Neurologic Problems after Epidural Corticosteriod Injections for Pain